Why do men cheat she asked me? Thinking of the best reply, I told her many are flirts and they love it that way. Yet they are highy jealous with their own women and they don't share, i told her again. It takes massive grace to be in a relationship, most especially when your partner hides a lot of things from you, still clings to apron strings and finds it hard to let go of past relationships she said. Pray for your partner if you are with one, if he doesn't go after them, they come after him, I said. Many of them who are cheats, pretend alot and they are always quick to accuse the other of cheating and not being faithful. Recently, they can show all forms of commitment to you but their minds are far form you. They are so ready to defend and justice all their actions when they know you know about their shady affairs and they come out clean but certainly they pretend alot. It's always easier for a woman in a relationship to adhere to her man...