Many won't ever learn from situations that befalls them, they are so carried away chasing what is not in there lane. To some, many wants to have a little chance to prove to you why they should be in your life and they will never ever get that moment, while some are busy chasing those who don't want them at all. More so, we have some other people who are in your life but they don't value you at all, rather they ignore you and make your effort fruitless, just look closely you will find an open hand, waiting for an embrace, someone who values your person and is ready to give you the world. Often times, we want it all prefect, we want it all rosy, we don't ever want to compromise our standards, but be reminded that we can't have it all, no one ever has it all. Find reasons to fall,see reasons to interest your person, lower your guard and search for a diamond in a cloudy heart, none is that bad that he can't be loved and none is that perfect that seeks to be l...